Amusing and Pleasant Cyst Explosion
Welcome cyst popping fans to another never-ending cyst on this man’s cheek. A cyst explosion is the only way out and it is done under anesthesia by a professional. The most common cause is a hair entrapment under the skin which leads to the build-up of sebum and dead debris. In the video, a small cut is made because the cyst got hard and cannot get squeezed from such a little hole. Enjoy and relax with this cyst treatment.
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You need to cut all the way through the dermal layers to get to the contents of the sac. You cause much more trauma to the skin, and more pain to the patient, if you don't make a deep enough cut. Goodness, he must be suffering through this!
These spas are only allowed to extract contents. They leave the sac for licensed dermatologists. The cut is shallow because anything else is considered surgery and they are not permitted. They extract like this per customer request. This was very full of firm contents and the pressure, pain, itching and TMJ issues the placement could have caused is relieved for now
I know his cheek feels better
can you imagine that relief
USE A REGULAR TWEEZERS. No need to squeeze so hard, hole blocked with sack wall… remove and continue on 🙄